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TC White Dental Webinar Series 2022-23 Recordings (Package)

TC White Dental Webinar Series 2022-23 Recordings (Package)

 Instant-access eLearning package


Free for Members
Non members save £45 when buying this package instead of individual webinars. 

Aims of the webinars:

The focus of this year’s programme is on the GDC core CPD topics, allowing members and non-members to cover all of the recommended topics by the GDC within our series. Each one-hour webinar is eligible for 1 hour of CPD, with nine points in total avaiable for the whole series. 

Topics covered

  • Legal and Ethics Issues and Complaints
  • Human Factors in Dental Image Reporting
  • Lasers in Dentistry
  • Safeguarding - Children and Adults
  • Medical Emergencies 
  • Oral Cancer
  • Disinfection and Decontamination 
  • Dental Care for People with Complex Needs
  • Radiation Protection and Interpretation 

    GDC Outcomes:  A, B, C and D


All discounts (including discounts for members of the College) are applied after you log in and proceed to the checkout.

Package details

This package includes the following modules:


Normal Prices

When bought separately, these products would have cost

Package price


You save £45